What Use is Design?

2021.03.04 / Viewpoint

What Use is Design?


From startup to development, to prosperity, to decline and even to rebranding, an enterprise has to go through numerous challenges and tests, just like the process of a child from birth to adulthood.


How can a person build a harmonious family, have a stable job, have close friends, and have everyone to get along with him? Is it simply because he has money, a house and a car?

Or is it because he is very ethical, very reasonable and understanding in his approach with people, has an optimistic attitude, and can make everyone around feel comfortable and at ease. 


How does an enterprise continue to prosper in stability?

Is it because there is a boss, employees, product, service, clients, assets, and managerial systems?

But realistically, what makes the clients want to continue partnership with an enterprise is not any of these elements listed above, but what is created when they’re pieced together. An “overall value” in line with the user’s inner positioning. 


Among all these elements, the "product" remains as the core. Without high-quality and competitive products, any enterprise will lose the most fundamental exchange value with its customers. Perhaps it can achieve short-term success through marketing strategies. However, when the buzz within a market recedes, customers return to a rational level and begin to examine the product itself. The strength of a product is always an unavoidable factor. No matter how novel and eye-catching the design is, without the foundation of the product, it will not be able to support a sound operation and development of an enterprise. Yet, if the enterprise lacks systematic output and interaction of brand, simply relying upon the product is also guaranteed to fail, in this modern age, that would be an impossible task.

Brand experience design is a scientific, systematic approach. To piece together all the elements of an enterprise, use designer abilities to present the essence of the business, and give consideration to the feelings of the audience. People are less and less willing to dedicate time to communication and interaction as our society progresses. In order to be remembered, brands need to get across information as fast as they can. For enterprises, brand experience design is absolutely necessary, but it is not a cosmetic technique, not magic, not a pill that can bring the dead back to life. Looking at the brands that have achieved long-term and high profit success in the market, one common factor is that they must maintain innovation and vitality, and make continuous investment in each part of the process.


The importance of brand experience design is to help enterprises solve various problems and challenges in the development process. From external market development, industry trends, competitors, user research, to internal stakeholders, value chain, customer experience journey, and then into a service blueprint including production, sales, after-sales and other front and back office systems. Through targeted research, brand designers can correctly define problems and then propose creative solutions. The core meaning behind brand experience design is that the brand strategy consultant and planning consultant will organize the enterprise after strategic integration, while the design itself is the landing part of the solution provided to the enterprise.

Local enterprises who can understand branding from this angle are rare, most only focus on methods that can insure fast income. And the existence of enterprises who truly wish to solidify their branding is limited. In comparison, more International businesses are willing to look into the long-run and take serious consideration on rebranding. McKinsey design index (MDI) recently released by McKinsey, a well-known consulting organization, is to further quantify the positive contribution and commercial value of design to the growth of enterprise revenue, market value and total shareholder return with data. MDI points out that only when design is integrated into the enterprise innovation process, rather than regarded as decoration and packaging, can the maximum overall rate of return be achieved.

In each process of cooperate innovation, the designs can create value. The whole process of enterprise value production includes creative produce, users and market analysis, concept development, prototype testing, production and marketing.


A COVID-19's way of changing people's lifestyle and the way of looking at the world is sure that more and more China will start from a more macro perspective, and make good use of the positive correlation between brand experience design and business operation, creating China's truly Centennial enterprise on the world stage.

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