Sustainable Design of Brand Systems

2024.02.22 / View Point

Sustainable Design of Brand Systems


Sustainable development has become a common topic of global discussion. Domestically, with the implementation of the "dual carbon" goals, companies are increasingly focusing on green production and pursuing environmental protection concepts from production to consumption. On the other hand, after the pandemic, the public's understanding of the close connection between individuals and the environment has deepened, making sustainable and environmentally friendly living an attitude.


McKinsey's report, "The 7 Major Groups Shaping China's Consumer Landscape," offers deep insights into environmentally conscious consumers. Over 80% of Chinese respondents indicated their willingness to pay extra for eco-friendly packaging, ranking first among surveyed countries/regions. This demonstrates consumers' strong desire for environmental protection and reinforces their preference for "green" shopping. The advocacy of national policies, combined with the enhancement of consumers' attitudes towards sustainable consumption, has to some extent driven more brands to actively participate in discussions and initiatives related to sustainable development. However, while companies are actively embracing green marketing, they should also start with their own brand, systematically refreshing their brand image.


So, how can sustainable design be applied to the design of Corporate Identity Systems (CIS)? This involves considering many aspects and implementing various strategies.



1. Focus on core brand values and sustainability for redesign


When reviewing the existing CIS design, assess the consistency of its elements with sustainable principles and values. Start by examining logos, fonts, color schemes, and visual elements. Consider whether modifications are needed to emphasize sustainability, reflecting the brand's commitment to environmental and social responsibility.


● Logo

Evaluate the visual expression and symbolic meaning of the logo. If necessary, explore ways to incorporate sustainable imagery or elements related to the brand's mission or environmental practices into the design. For example, adding a stylized tree or leaf symbol can evoke a sense of nature and sustainability.

● Typography

Assess the font styles used in the CIS design. Consider choosing fonts with eco-friendly connotations, such as those inspired by nature or designed specifically for brands focused on sustainability. Moreover, strive to use clear and readable fonts to ensure effective communication of information.

● Color Scheme

Review the colors used in the CIS design. Opt for color schemes that reflect sustainable values, such as earth tones or hues inspired by the natural environment. Consider utilizing color psychology to evoke emotions consistent with sustainability, using green to signify growth and harmony, or blue to represent trust and environmental consciousness.

● Visual Elements

Examine any graphic elements or patterns used. Assess their relevance to sustainability and determine if any additions or modifications are needed. For example, incorporating images of renewable energy sources, like wind turbines or solar panels, can visually convey the brand's commitment to renewable energy.



2. Choosing Sustainable Materials


Expand the focus on sustainability to printed materials, signage, packaging, and promotional items related to the brand, aiming to reduce environmental impact throughout the entire brand experience.


● Printed Materials

Opt for eco-friendly paper options, such as recycled paper or paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). These choices help reduce dependence on raw materials and promote responsible forest management. Additionally, consider using soy-based inks and non-toxic coatings to further reduce environmental harm.

● Signage

Look for sustainable alternatives when producing signage. Explore options for physical signs made from recycled or refurbished materials. Consider using energy-efficient lighting, such as LEDs, to reduce energy consumption and maintenance needs.

● Packaging

Reconsider packaging materials to align with sustainable practices. Choose materials that prioritize recyclability or compostability. Design packaging to minimize waste, optimizing size and weight to reduce transportation impacts and material usage.

● Promotional Items

Evaluate the eco-friendliness of promotional items related to the brand. Commit to finding products made from sustainable materials, such as bamboo, organic cotton, or recycled plastic. Consider items that encourage sustainable behavior, like reusable water bottles or shopping bags, to promote environmental awareness.



3. Streamlining and Simplifying


Sustainable CIS design often embraces simplicity and minimalism. By streamlining the design, it is possible to enhance aesthetic appeal while promoting sustainability through reduced resource consumption and waste generation.


● Layout

Simplify the layout by removing unnecessary visual elements, reducing clutter, and improving visual hierarchy. Opt for a clean and orderly design that makes the core message stand out. Effective use of white space can help achieve visual balance and a harmonious composition.

● Visual Elements

Consider the necessity of each visual element used in the CIS design. Remove any elements that do not align with the brand message or may distract from sustainability goals. Aim for purposeful and meaningful design choices.

● Printing Efficiency

Enhance sustainability by optimizing the production process. Explore digital printing technologies that minimize waste and use low-volatility organic compound (VOC) inks. Digitally store and share design assets to reduce physical storage needs and support on-demand printing.



4. Incorporating Sustainable Symbols


Incorporating sustainable symbols into the CIS design can effectively communicate the brand's commitment to environmental protection. These symbolic representations strengthen the brand's narrative, allowing it to resonate with environmentally conscious consumers.


● Natural Imagery

Incorporate visual elements inspired by nature, such as leaves, trees, or animals. Consider integrating eco-friendly symbols like recycling arrows, water droplets, or earth icons. These elements can vividly illustrate the brand's connection to the environment, evoking a sense of ecological awareness in the audience.

● Organic Shapes and Patterns

Introduce organic shapes and patterns into the CIS design. These curves or free-flowing elements mimic organic structures found in nature, evoking feelings of harmony, balance, and sustainability.

● Sustainability Icons

Use widely recognized symbols or icons related to sustainable practices. For example, employ the Energy Star or LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) symbols to convey initiatives related to energy efficiency or green building. These icons can visually communicate the brand's adherence to sustainability standards.



5. Considering Digital Alternatives


Going beyond physical materials and exploring digital alternatives in the CIS can significantly reduce resource consumption and waste generation. With technological advancements, digital platforms offer sustainable alternatives for brand communication.


● Websites and Digital Media

Create a visually appealing and informative website that showcases the brand's sustainability efforts and aligns with the CIS design. Utilize a user-friendly interface, responsive design, and thoughtful interactions to provide a smooth and enjoyable user experience.。

● Online Presentations and Documents

Replace printed materials, such as brochures or catalogs, with digital versions. Develop interactive online presentations or e-catalogs that provide information about the brand, products, and sustainability initiatives. These digital assets can be easily updated, reducing the need for frequent and wasteful reprinting.

● Social Media and Online Marketing

Use social media and online channels to promote the brand's commitment to sustainability. Share engaging visual content, informative videos, and graphics that align with the CIS design to tell the brand's sustainability story. Encourage followers and customers to engage in sustainable actions and share their experiences.



6. Communicating Sustainability Values


CIS design serves as a powerful tool for communicating the brand's commitment to sustainability to stakeholders, employees, and customers. Through conscious and well-considered design choices, effectively convey the brand's sustainability values and initiatives.


● Visual Storytelling

Utilize CIS design elements to visually narrate the brand's sustainability story. Develop graphics or illustrations that depict the brand's journey towards sustainability, showcasing key milestones, environmental initiatives, and social impact projects. These visual elements can effectively communicate the brand's dedication to sustainable practices.

● Infographics and Data Visualization

Employ infographics and data visualization techniques to present metrics, achievements, and goals related to sustainability. Creatively and clearly depict environmental impacts, conservation of resources, or reductions in carbon footprint. These visual presentations help transform complex data into easily understandable and visually appealing graphics, fostering better comprehension and engagement.

● Environmental Certifications and Labels

If the brand has obtained environmental certifications or adheres to specific sustainability standards, incorporate the corresponding symbols or labels into the CIS design. This inclusion visually communicates the brand's compliance with recognized sustainability frameworks, enhancing trust and credibility among consumers.

● Collaborative Initiatives

Highlight collaborations with organizations or initiatives focused on sustainability within the CIS design. Integrate their logos or visual elements to showcase the brand's active participation in broader sustainability efforts. This visual association indicates the brand's commitment to collective action and amplifies its impact in addressing environmental challenges.



7. Sustainable Design Case


Tuntex, with 55 years of experience as a high-quality carpet tile manufacturer, holds substantial advantages in technology, R&D, and production. Over the years, Tuntex has implemented environmental concepts in its production and operations, offering clean and eco-friendly products, developing recycling technologies, improving re-manufacturing processes, reducing carbon emissions, and continuously striving to create a healthy ecological living environment.


The manufacturing industry is currently undergoing significant transformations, and Tuntex needs to rapidly build a production and operation service system centered on brand innovation, product technology innovation, and operational innovation to achieve a breakthrough from manufacturing to brand service innovation.


The collaboration between taasdesign and Tuntex was born out of this backdrop of innovation and transformation. taasdesign helped Tuntex shift from manufacturing expertise to brand innovation. Through re-exploring the brand's core, engaging in deep conversations with operators, and researching the market, competitors, and users, we began to modernize and restructure this brand that has accumulated 50 years of experience through a visionary experience approach.


Through our original and systematic brand experience design tool, we collaborated with stakeholders from different departments to delineate Tuntex's:


  • Brand vision, values, and mission
  • Brand positioning
  • Brand personality, tone, and style
  • User experience vision
  • Design task briefing


After identifying the core of the brand, the next step is to develop an effective brand strategy that aligns with Tuntex's core values, ensuring that all brand-related behaviors, actions, and communication methods revolve around this concept. This forms Tuntex's brand experience (Brand Experience), which clearly conveys the brand's essence at every touchpoint, showcasing the brand's competitive advantages and unique value proposition.



In the visual design of the brand, the sustainable development concept that Tuntex adheres to is communicated. Inspired by the Tuntex product recycling technology process, the five key steps of recycling and remanufacturing carpets are abstracted into five different shapes. These are combined through different color blocks to form a changing yet unified visual focal element.



At the same time, the blocky graphics also resonate with Tuntex's identity as a square carpet manufacturer. The new brand image is simple and innovative, subtly conveying the core values of environmental protection to the public through visual means.



In addition to the visual identity, we also designed various brand materials to communicate the brand's sustainability initiatives. In terms of layout and typography, we ensured the clarity of information delivery and visual comfort. The information is well-structured, allowing consumers to easily access key information about the company's sustainable practices.



By integrating sustainable design into the brand's visuals, we have not only enhanced the attractiveness of the brand image but also strengthened the public's awareness and understanding of Tuntex's efforts towards sustainability. This comprehensive visual communication strategy helps deepen consumers' emotional connection to the brand while inspiring thoughts on a sustainable lifestyle.


It is particularly gratifying that the brand visuals created by this strategy were honored with the Winner award at the 2023 Asia Design Awards. This recognition is not only an acknowledgment of the Tuntex brand visual strategy but also an affirmation of our efforts in promoting sustainable design.







Sustainable design is an iterative process that involves continuous evaluation, adaptation, and improvement. It is crucial to regularly review and reassess CIS design to ensure it remains aligned with evolving sustainability goals and industry best practices. Furthermore, seeking feedback from both internal and external stakeholders is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of sustainable design elements and make necessary adjustments.


Transitioning CIS design to a sustainable framework requires a holistic approach. It encompasses various aspects, including visual aesthetics, material selection, resource efficiency, symbolic meaning, and communication strategies. By incorporating sustainable principles into CIS design, brands can authentically communicate their commitment to sustainability, inspire environmentally friendly behaviors, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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