Feminine Design

2020.04.01 / Viewpiont

Feminine Design

Global Feminization Trend


If you have been watching the daily news on the COVID-19 epidemic, it is quite obvious that many female leaders have emerged globally, such as: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Iran ’s Vice President Masoumeh Ebtekar, Yuriko Koike the Governor of Tokyo, Japan, Ana Brnabić the Prime Minister of Serbia, Sanna Marin the Prime Minister of Finland and Zuzana Caputova the President of Slovakia etc.


As narrated by philosophers such as Andre Malraux in the last half century, the world is feminizing. More and more women have obtained higher education and as a result, entered and achieved growing importance in the labor market. Women are leading the trend in all walks of life. More single women are buying houses, and use their own perspective to define a personalized lifestyle, from the kitchen, the workplace to the fashion runway. Color, expressiveness and bold design are becoming more and more prominent. At the same time, it also awakens the brand to re-understand the true meaning of "experience design".

Female consumers are leading the design trends


Women have gradually become the main driving force of business. Many studies have shown that 80% of purchases today are influenced by women. This not only shows the change in mainstream, but also the increase in female influences. From a cultural perspective, people are more and more intuitive in identifying things, and pay more attention at the spiritual level. We are all reperceiving the world from the female perspective.


More and more companies are striving to connect with the consumers by providing a better consumer experience. Forrester's Consumer Research and Harvard Business review both point out that both consumers experience and emotion are highly positively related to consumer satisfaction when a consumer experience a brand engagement. If we generally agree that women are more emotional than men, then experience design is an emotional design, which also means that design will become more and more feminine in many ways.

Good emotion brings good experience


In the infinite desire for big data, it is easy to forget that as a brand, we should focus on people. What matters most to the consumer experience is not data but emotion. A recent study on consumer perceptions suggested, "How do you ensure consumer satisfaction?" The result is so simple: by creating a positive experience.

Emotions are embedded in memories


When a business or brand engages with consumers in a positive way, the same mechanism will work with other memorable experiences. The birth of a child, a wedding, a special journey: these are positive emotional events that we have accumulated in memory and last a lifetime. Those who have similar positive experiences will never forget them. The same goes for a positive consumer experience and vice versa. Bad experiences are hard to forget because negative emotion last a lifetime. We should always avoid negative consumer experience, just as we can't erase signs of death, serious accidents or severe separation from memory.

Customer experience is personal


We must keep in mind that consumer experience is strictly a personal approach because everyone handles their own consumer journey in their own way. Personal preferences, previous experience, memory and familiarity are important differences. For example, when I had a family holiday with my parents in Japan, my parents were very satisfied with the hotel rooms we have booked. Due to their previous experience, they had fond memories of their Japanese vacation. Their customer experience was very positive. Me on the other hand, due to my job I have to travel frequently and have stayed at many different hotels. So I was not as impressed by the Japan hotel room like my parents.


So where is the experience? Where is the sensory pleasure? Brands must be prepared to present original creative materials, provide designs that appeal to emotions, allow consumers to establish their own connections, and allow the brand to convey a more refined and more spiritual desire.

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