
2020.03.12 / Viewpoint


National online dance


2020 started as a very different year. A new Corona Virus epidemic resulted in everyone staying home during the Chinese New Year holiday, which usually should be filled with acitivites that include visiting friends and relatives. Due to the seriousness of the epidemic, China had to extend the holidays, and local workers or workers who worked in a different cities away from home are forced to be quarantined in their apartment. Thus begins a nationwide online social interaction.


On February 8, TAXX, a Shanghai pub, did a 4 hour live broadcast with DJ at TikTok. People can login and dance along. The pub also took in a profit of 700K Chinese Yuan. As a result, other well known pubs also joined in and did the same, starting the ‘Cloud era’.

Live music festival


This was followed by a series of online "Cloud Music Festivals" on major platforms. Netease Music launched the "Cloud Bedroom Music Festival", TikTok launched the "Doulive Lounge Concert", and Kuaishou and UCCA jointly held the "Original Sound" online concert. "Live broadcast" provides a different way of entertainment for friends at home. In order to meet more diverse content needs, there are also a series of live broadcast content such as online talk shows, home cloud travel musem, cloud fitness and so on. Teachers from all over also joined in to conduct live broadcast of online courses.

Live broadcast era


In the live broadcast industry, a large number of marketing companies that have taken the lead in packaging or shopping guides have emerged, and they have repeatedly created amazing sales performance. Under the influence of the epidemic, live broadcasting is no longer just a showcase for bloggers. It has gradually become an indispensable part of the way of life, work, and publicity. This has also given many brands who has not done live broadcast before a warning sign.


I believe that the live broadcast industry will still have a lot of room for development and application in the next few years, and the commercial value it brings to the brand will also be considerable. The editor believes that brands can have more in-depth thinking about live broadcast content. For example, in addition to selling goods in the future, brands need to actively explore how to generate links with consumers in other ways using live broadcast. For brand managers, it is inevitable to pursue the seamless integration of online and offline (OMO,Online-Merge-Offline).

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