Brand Health Self-Inspection Form

2021.05.13 / Viewpoint

Brand Health Self-Inspection Form


Brand is one of the most valuable assets of the company. Why? Everyday as we open our eyes we see endless types of brands, how a brand is perceived by the world, whether powerful people love it. In this increasingly media centric era, brands are unavoidable, they’re in products, services, advertisements, stores, official websites, official accounts, Weibo, Tiktok, little red book, livestream... and every other platform. Brand owners try to bring people sensory stimulation, so that the brand can occupy the customer's mind. The sales tactic of "repeat, repeat and repeat" in marketing has become the reality of branding.

Our five senses’ experience enriches a brand, and inversely, brand also has the ability to actively shape people's perception and even affect behavior of target audience. Therefore, upgrading and optimizing the brand is one of the most reasonable investments that an enterprise can make.


How do you know when a rebrand is necessary? Here is a simple brand self inspection table. If you have carefully considered each symptom associated with the brand and found that more than two boxes are checked, then your brand is likely to need restructuring.

Rebranding is one of the most cathartic and rejuvenating journeys for an organization to experience. But first of all, companies should not regard rebranding as a cost to be included in the marketing budget. Rebranding is definitely not a one-time sale or advertisement, but a journey. This journey can reveal the internal truth and opportunities about an organization and its environment, many of which people did not even know existed.


It will bring power, help shape the brand into its true, focus, goal-orientated self. Many real-life cases and market studies have proved that brand remodeling is a wise investment. If well done, the investment can bring multiple returns for the enterprise. (However, not every brand company can achieve such results, so it is important to find suitable partners, and we, are more than happy to provide assistance!)

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