/ View Point

Sustainable Design of Brand Systems

Sustainable development has become a common topic of global discussion. Domestically, with the implementation of the "dual carbon" goals, companies are increasingly focusing on green production and pursuing environmental protection concepts from production to consumption. 

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/ Award News

The Gujin brand project won the K-Design Award and the German Design Award!

The branding project for Gujin executed by taasdesign won the 2023 K-Design Grand Award and the 2023 German Design Award!

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Delayed Gratification in branding

The ability to delay gratification is essential to self-regulation, or self-control.

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Designs for Elephants

Recently in Yunnan, a group of elephants traveled hundreds of miles away from home, influencing people from all over the world.

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Generation Z: a mandatory course in branding

With the rise of young consumers, brands are undergoing a brutal reorganization. 

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Brand Health Self-Inspection Form

How do you know when a rebrand is necessary? Here is a simple brand self inspection table. 

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Predicting future consumers

Though the future is full of uncertainty, we predict four future consumer types based on the directions of "time perception" and "Hope".

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The Essence of Business

Times are changing, and are the essence of business following this change? 

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Visual stimulus can make people dumber

Changes in modern day technology and culture requires more than ever speed and efficiency in the spreading of information, but everything comes with a price.

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What Use is Design?

Brand experience design is a scientific, systematic approach. To piece together all the elements of an enterprise, use designer abilities to present the essence of the business, and give consideration to the feelings of the audience.

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Good Designs Don’t Waste

Contemporary designs adhere to the principles of “ending as beginning" and are “people-oriented." 

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Sustainable Design and the Sustainability of Design

To designers and their clients, “sustainability” is a theme that’s is becoming more and more prominent. 

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Who is manipulating your decisions?

The market is full of goods for you to choose, in fact, they are not much different. You think you can choose freely, but often you just circle the answers set by others.

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The Vision You Picture is Not as You Imagine

We find that as times progress, the way enterprises produce vision also changes. Here, we divide vision from 1.0 to 3.0

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/ Viewpoint

Feminine Design

As narrated by philosophers such as Andre Malraux in the last half century, the world is feminizing.

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/ Viewpoint


2020 started as a very different year. A new Corona Virus epidemic resulted in everyone staying home during the Chinese New Year holiday.

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/ Viewpoint

Brands Supporting Companies through Difficulties

The outbreak of the coronavirus has a great impact on the economy. Problems arise such as sales and profit decline or even loss.

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/ Viewpoint

Crisis is A Turning Point

The sudden epidemic crisis has disrupted the normal operations of many companies.

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New Corona Virus in Simple Terms

From Spring till present the most commonly used greeting between friends is "hope all is well".

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/ Viewpoint

How to use the user journey map?

The user journey map is often used in the workshop. The seemingly simple form is actually a very complicated tool.

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/ Viewpoint

Better Brand Experience

The development of modern society has brought us from the era of product economy and service economy to the era of experience economy.

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/ Viewpoint

Digression about Entering the Expo

Recently, two things have intertwined, making people both anxious and excited!

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/ Viewpoint

Leadership and Creativity (1)

The "IBM 2017 Global Senior Executive Survey Report" shows that more and more senior executives seek to enhance corporate value through innovation.

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/ Viewpoint

Would you ask the doctor for a discount?

Everyone will upload photos to social media when they visit Michelin 3 stars restaurant.

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/ Viewpoint

Designers‘ job are getting harder and harder

I always need to go to a client's company for a meeting every week, and takes a taxi for about an hour on the return trip.

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/ Viewpoint

No sunset industry, Only sunset mentality

After talking with the business owners of different industries in different age group, I have a great feeling, that is: "there is no sunset industry, only sunset mentality"!

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Two ways to have a profitable business

A customer came to us and said he wanted to "make a brand". We asked him why you wanted to "make a brand."

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Ultimately we need to return to design

Design thinking is a methodology of cognitive expansion and thinking transformation. In recent years, it has been frequently promoted and applied in various fields such as business, society, education, and government departments.

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/ Viewpoint

5G life is great!

Recently, I saw in the news that the United States boycotted Huawei. A series of news made me curious about 5G.

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