Sustainability & Social Impact Partners

Brand Background


In order to drive active fulfillment of corporate social responsibilities among various enterprises in the Zizhu National High-tech Zone and cultivate a philanthropic atmosphere within the park, the Zijiang Foundation provided funding to establish the "Substainability & Social Impact Partners" and assumed the role of the inaugural chair.


The Substainability & Social Impact Partners is guided by the aim of addressing societal issues and assisting enterprises in seeking innovative development opportunities. Leveraging the alliance's cohesion, more companies are encouraged to join the ranks of practicing corporate social responsibility.

Challenges and Dilemmas


Since its establishment in 2016, the Substainability & Social Impact Partners has seen its membership grow from the initial 18 members to the current 30. After years of dedicated efforts, the alliance has started to wield a significant influence within the park, paving the way for even more possibilities in the future.


Contrary to the alliance's growing influence is the absence of a cohesive brand image, which presents a challenge in conveying the brand value to the public. The immediate difficulty lies in expanding the brand's reach, engaging with more enterprises, and exploring diverse collaboration models.


How to assist the Substainability & Social Impact Partners in reaching a broader audience and establishing a distinct brand identity became the focus of an in-depth collaboration between the alliance and StrategieImage.



After conducting in-depth interviews with the executive team of the Zijiang Foundation, we distilled the key messages for brand communication: openness, collaboration, and innovation. Drawing inspiration from windows and their ability to offer expansive views of the world while allowing the interplay of light, we developed a concept.

The brand color palette primarily consists of tranquil cool brown and muted grey-blue, complemented by vibrant earthy tones. This combination maintains a harmonious tone while adding a touch of liveliness.

The brand imagery incorporates sunlight streaming through windows, further enhancing the brand elements. This visual connection with the logo subtly deepens brand recognition and awareness.

The biggest challenge in the brand application system is maintaining design consistency, which requires establishing guidelines to address this issue. By employing consistent design elements, visual cohesion can be created across applications, conveying a unified brand value.

For non-profit organizations like the Zijiang Foundation, building a brand is also about establishing a trust relationship. Through visual language, brand values can be intuitively conveyed, gaining widespread social recognition and attracting more companies to engage in social responsibility practices. The branded Zijiang Foundation now projects a professional and innovative image, which I believe will be an effective catalyst for the alliance's vibrant growth in the future.

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