Meeting Wine & Food

Meeting Wine & Food

Exquisite food in Shanghai French Concession


"Everyone needs a drink after work" This is the famous saying of the founder and executive chef of Meeting Wine & Food. Because of the pursuit of high quality food and wine, WF chef and team have created an exquisite space for friends to relax in the alley of Shanghai French Concession.


Meeting Wine & Food will design suitable dishes according to the season. Healthy and safe ingredients are used to create unique and creative cuisine to provide all a delicious meal. Many people who do not drink or understand wine, start to enjoy it while having a delightful chat with the chef. Just like the restaurant’s name, through the exchange of food and wine, every consumer can find something that stimulates their taste buds.

No menu is available in WF, only custom-made dishes. You get a pleasant surprise with each visit.

Chef WF not only inherited her cooking skill from her mother, but in additiion, adds her unique insights with her passion for food and wine. The dishes made are always amazing. As a result, friends and customers who have tasted her dishes find them unforgettable and thus many requested her to open a restaurant for all to enjoy.


Due to her previous experience of serving multiple major brands in the past, WF chef understand the importance of systematic brand building for promotion and accumulation of brand assets. Therefore, Working images was entrusted to assist in brand creation and management, complete brand positioning, business model, naming, VI system design, restaurant space planning and design, product packaging design, and marketing activities.。


After the preliminary research and analysis, the brand connotation and positioning were pinpointed, the user's attributes and needs were clarified, and the differentiated value was displayed in products and services.


After the brand was established, it was difficult to make a reservation at the restaurant as it is always fully booked. Making a reservation a month in advance has become a norm. The demand for restaurant’s products like pickled vegetables and sauces also exceed the supply. WF Chef is often invited by other brands for co-branding collaboration.

VI System Implementation & Design | Visual Idenity Design

More VI applications | more realization design

The chef will design a custom-made menu for the guests according to the purpose and attributes of the guests to enhance the overall dining experience.

When the brand system was completed, Working images became the marketing and design consultant of Meeting Wine & food, and assisted in marketing strategy for two consecutive years.

WF product packaging, special festival menu content planning and gifts.


Christmas roast chicken set meal to make it easy to host parties.

Christmas wrapped gift & gift design

Invited for co-branding collaboration and promotion at Citysuper.

More images of WF space planning and design

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