Fubon | 2018 Annual Report

Fubon Bank (China) Co.,Ltd. | 2018 annual report design

Fubon bank annual report is not just an annual report, but provides a high quality user experience in all aspects.

[Brand consistency following the trend]


Maintain a consistent brand language while at the same time, introduce the latest design trend in 2018, with large font, natural and unintentional, gradient & open structure, etc., so as to change peoples’ image of the bank being always serious and traditional.

[Value user experience, be closer to users]


With in-depth understanding of the usage habits of different users, Fubon bank has made a small innovation this time, dividing the annual report into two parts; one is the annual report of the bank and the other, a digital financial report.


In order to make users have different reading experience each time, Fubon bank will schedule photo shooting of brand image periodically. Unlike previous photoshooting style, we try to depict the brand image from a comparative and interactive perspective to covey Fubon bank’s image of being warm, closer and values interaction with the users.

[Rich and flexible use of brand elements]

[Service items]


  • Bank image photoshoot
  • Visual art guide
  • Typesetting and design

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