Inspire employees in order to inspire consumers

2020.01.15 / Open Lecture

To experience, you must first inspire the employees in order to inspire the consumers.


In December 2019, Amber and Tori were invited to the Institute of Business Administration of National Taiwan University to give a lecture to the graduate students on what a true employee experience is, to lead these future CEO to learn ‘human-centered design’ thru real world cases and design thinking tools and to get them to start designing the employee experience.

Evolution in management thinking


Because of the rapid development of internet technology, the industrial age has gradually transformed into an intelligent age, and business has evolved from a product economy to the experience economy. Under this background, the management model of the past industrial era has also begun to change, and "employee experience" has become a new trend. It is something that all human resources managers have to understand.


Prior to the 1950s, factories were the mainstream; from the 1960s to the 1980s, more emphasis were placed on project management. In the 1990s, feedback and needs of consumers began to be valued. The most influential figure in this period was Steve Jobs, which resulted in so many products from Apple Inc. In the 2000-2010 era, management style shifted to emphasizing the core, such as the mission and vision of the company, and corporate culture stated by Jack Ma. Employees should be connected to the enterprise core, not just driven by salary or job position.


It is now easier to obtain information in the intelligent era, because of changes in the workforce, the development of digital technologies and social networks, and the acceleration of social change, companies and employees have created a new type of social contract, making future management trends more emphasize on empowerment and collaboration.

Employee experience drives consumer experience


Recent study by IBM Institute for Business Value shows that there is a positive correlation between improving employee experience and improving consumer experience. Organizations ranked in the top 25% of employee experience double in sales return compared to the bottom 25%.


A good employee experience not only enhance employee brand awareness and company identity, but also presents positive result at work and consumer service. When consumers receive good service, the positive experience increases, and they have a good memory of brands and products, and brand awareness and consumer loyalty are formed.

Employee experience ≠ employee benefits


Employee experience is not equal to employee welfare. Employee experience is the sum of all experiences between employees and the organization. These experiences are affected by organizational culture. More simply, it is the corporate culture (Its all about CULTURE). The best example is the creation of Alibaba Group's mission and vision. Through systematic training, the values are implemented into everyone's thoughts and actions, thereby establishing a unique corporate culture and bringing employees a complete experience.


A good employee experience not only enhance employee brand awareness and company identity, but also presents positive result at work and consumer service. When consumers receive good service, the positive experience increases, and they have a good memory of brands and products, and brand awareness and consumer loyalty are formed.

Design process of employee experience




Share with students on how to use empathy to understand users, learn the methods and tools of design thinking, and then use specific situation to point out all main points and things to take note of.

After class, the students actively shared their experience of this course. Many people mentioned that for thinking with a "human-centered" perspective, not only we have a different angle of seeing things, but the thinking point can also be different from the usual. We will be able to see things from many different angle and perspective. This is quite different from what is taught in management related courses. Systematic thinking makes complicated things more organized and simple. Through collaboration and co-creation with the team, even within a limited time, there are opportunities to efficiently produce many good ideas.

After class, the professors and graduate students responded well. In the future, they plan to incorporate design thinking and methods into the department's curriculum as a regular course.

National Taiwan University is the highest institution in Taiwan. In September 2015, it cooperated with Stanford University in the United States to introduce D. School, and established the National Taiwan University School of Innovation and Design (D-School @ NTU) to promote design thinking and encourage innovation.



Tori Wu


Tori has a complete and rich experience in brand design consulting and business visual communication. She has lived in Canada, the United States, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, Taiwan, and China successively. She has been engaged in brand consulting and commercial design consulting. Her experience in different places has been integrated into her professionalism, showing a unique design and broad vision.


The original combinaton of brand experience with design system tool to help companies find the core values and innovation opportunities and in doing so successfully link business and design. Her works has won the German iF Design Award, Golden Pin Design Award and other international awards. She is good at using design to drive innovation, sort out systematic brand experience for consumers, establish high premium and sustainable brand equity, and achieve profitable business goals. Her clients include manufacturing, catering, financial services, real estate, pharmaceuticals, electronics, professional services, etc., from SMEs to many world-renowned top 500 companies.


Presently, she helps enterprises to plan and implement brand strategy, in the fields of brand experience design, enterprise CIS system design, interior space design and design management. She combines business, technology and humanity from a multi-dimensional perspective to find breakthrough points for innovative strategies, and is the best practitioner of using design to create value.


  • Lecturer of Design Thinking, Institute of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
  • Design Thinking Lecturer, Human Resources Institute, National Central University of Taiwan
  • Distinguished Brand Design Lecturer, Shanghai 1Pear Design Education Platform
  • Innovation Strategy Consultant, Shanghai Cedar Highrise Foundation
  • Kunshan City (Taiwan) Innovation Instructor of the Electrical and Electronics Industry Association
  • European Scrum Academy Innovation Instructor for Agile Development
  • European DesignThinkers Academy Design Thinking Lecturer
  • American LUMA INSTITUTE Design Thinking Lecturer
  • National Central University Advanced Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
  • Master of Visual Communication, University of South Australia, Australia
  • Bachelor of Design, Milwaukee University, USA


Amber Chiu


Amber has previously been responsible for business strategy and project management within company management, leading the team to establish systematic thinking and project implementation. She once worked for Taiwan TV Company, AC Nielsen Group, L & F Trading Group, Ding Xing International Group and other well-known enterprises. Experienced in different industries which include manufacturing, education, media, advertising, trade, market research, retail, catering, real estate development, construction, interior decoration, training, consulting, etc. Combining her rich industry experience in the past and self-cultivation in management, sociology, psychology, and marketing, through design thinking tools and methods, she helps many enterprises sort out business strategies, brand building, product marketing, service processes, organizational culture, etc. , help them find their competitive advantage, solve business problems with innovative design and create more efficiency and value.


In recent years, system tools have been used to help companies find innovative blue ocean strategic opportunities. For example, Amber was invited to serve as an innovation mentor for the smart home innovation acceleration camp of, helping students find opportunities for smart home innovation; designing and implementing innovative design thinking workshops for breast cancer patients' experience for Roche Pharmaceuticals, and leading participants to use design thinking methods that help to develop many innovative service opportunities; assisted Unilever to sort out the entire process from storage to order to delivery and also returns from consumers, and found digital innovation solutions for business optimization.


  • Lecturer of Design Thinking, Institute of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
  • Design Thinking Lecturer, Human Resources Institute, National Central University of Taiwan
  • Innovation Strategy Consultant of Shanghai Cedar Highrise Foundation
  • Tuntex Fiber Carpet Co., Ltd. brand marketing strategy consultant
  • Instructor of Roche Pharmaceuticals' Patient Experience Design Thinking Workshop
  • Jing Dong Group Smart Home Innovation Acceleration Camp Design Thinking Tutor
  • TEDx Shanghai Urban Innovation Workshop Design Thinking Lecturer
  • European Design Thinker Academy Design Thinking Lecturer
  • American LUMA INSTITUTE Design Thinking Lecturer
  • Master and Ph.D. in Mass Communication, Hawaii State University, USA
  • Master of Media Integration Marketing, Suffolk University, Boston, USA

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