Youth Public Welfare needs to be Closer to the Society

Youth public welfare needs to be closer to the society and keep pace with the times.

Shanghai Cedar Highrise Foundation, formerly known as “Cedar Highrise” launched by 3 alumni of China Europe International Business School, was formed in 2012 to improve the career development ability of college students. In 2015, the foundation was officially registered and established, focusing on the public welfare fields of "educational aid" and "education learning". It is a platform built jointly by the business community, the education community and people from all walks of life for Chinese youth.

In January 2018, Shanghai Cedar Highrise Foundation was awarded a full 100 points for it’s transparency index from the China Foundation. Among 6383 foundations transparency index ranking, only 1% achieve such excellence.


In October 2018, Shanghai Cedar Highrise Foundation won the top ten foundatons of the year at "Shanghai Public Welfare Award Ceremony".



Up to now, Cedar Highrise Foundation has been upgraded from the original goal to improve the career development ability of college students to multiple public welfare projects, such as high school student aid, University assistance, system support, etc., which has cumulative impact on the lives of more than 100000 young people.


Firstly, with rapid growth in recent years, the improvement and application of the foundation's brand system cannot catch up with the pace of business development, which not only causes challenges in brand communication and promotion, but also causes confusion in actual application due to the lack of brand consistency.

Secondly, "University assistance" is the core project of the foundation. More than 50 high schools across the country have set up Cedar Highrise Foundation Association to help students learn to communicate with others, stick to their goals and face challenges through the public welfare projects and community operation. As the application of science and technology gradually affects our daily life, many changes have taken place in today's social development and young people's needs. Since 2012, the curriculum system and service have also received many enquiries from volunteers and young students. Therefore, it is necessary to manage and adjust the public welfare projects so that the foundation can build a systematic long-term development framework.



In order to solve the challenges faced by Shanghai Cedar Highrise Foundation and make future development more stable, Working Images first have comprehensively organized and optimized the brand system of Shanghai Cedar Highrise Foundation. We work together with the directors to adjust their mentality and embrace change, examine the core and key values of the foundation, define the brand, and make a long-term strategy on the systematic development, laying a solid foundation for future route.


At the same time, Working images has designed a service system for university-assisted projects. From user experience design method, we conduct relevant research on key beneficiaries and service systems, find opportunities for iterative upgrades, and propose solutions to adjust organizational work to better meet the needs of the contemporary youth.



Cedar Highrise has great vitality! According to the proposals put forward after the completion of the project, the members in the council of the foundation have established the future development goals and directions. Cedar Highrise Foundation will be more determined and continue its unfinished mission. It will maximize the combination of social, youth and organizational trends in an altruistic, open and win-win method, integrate the resources and good will of enterprises, volunteers and people from all walks of life, and continue to provide educational welfare assistance to Chinese youth.


“If you believe it, you can see it. Cedar Highrise strives to enter a new era.”

----Chen Yao, founder of Cedar Highrise Foundation


“Thank you for identifying our problems and provide professional advise on the most suitable solution for Cedar Highrise, all in a short time.”

----Shi Li, founder of Cedar Highrise Foundation



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